Geez, C'mon guys (and gals), Man up!

May 26, 2015
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We are ALL on the bleeding edge of technology!!! You chose to be here so quit whining. It's a DELay for Chris' sake not the end of humanity. Take this in stride, be responsible for your actions, understand where and what you are doing,,,or go wait until September and see how it goes. Really,,,,you may just have invested in to best there is,,maybe not. But again,,you chose to be here, not 3DR. Jus' sayin'
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lol.....quite agree, high tech delays are just the norm, live with it or bale out and stand in another queue for some other high tec product lol
We are ALL on the bleeding edge of technology!!! You chose to be here so quit whining. It's a DELay for Chris' sake not the end of humanity. Take this in stride, be responsible for your actions, understand where and what you are doing,,,or go wait until September and see how it goes. Really,,,,you may just have invested in to best there is,,maybe not. But again,,you chose to be here, not 3DR. Jus' sayin'

Very easy to say if you don't have people paying for what you shoot;)
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Very easy to say if you don't have people paying for what you shoot;)
You have an aerial photography business and you're charging people for future shoots, yet don't have a platform to fulfill your end of the contract?
Not sure I understand?
You have an aerial photography business and you're charging people for future shoots, yet don't have a platform to fulfill your end of the contract?
Not sure I understand?

At one time I had two P2's with FPV systems, sold one and bought an Inspire. That was working great for a week and I sold the second P2 (big mistake) Inspire crapped the bed with arm wobble etc.... about a week later. That was a huge disappointment. Anyway I was without anything I really thought the Solo was going to come thru on time. Found out yesterday from DSLR Pro's my "Pre Order" would not be shipping until late June early July with the gimbal following up about 4 weeks later. That doesn't cut it for me. I bought a used P2 with 3 axis gimbal yesterday from a friend of mine. I shoot a lot of rock climbers. The P2 rocks, never had any issues, with this in hand I'll wait on the Solo and gimbal...........or not. Who know's what will come out in the next 3-6 months
I am sure there are a fair amount of people that did not buy a P3p because they could get a Solo end of May. This includes professional people needing better technology to take care of business.
I am sure there are a fair amount of people that did not buy a P3p because they could get a Solo end of May. This includes professional people needing better technology to take care of business.

You have the right. I liked the concept of the P3, but after owing an Inspire I'll never own anything else from them besides the P2 which is rock solid, granted it does not have all the bells and whistles but thats OK with me. Whats not OK is DJI first class crap service
You have the right. I liked the concept of the P3, but after owing an Inspire I'll never own anything else from them besides the P2 which is rock solid, granted it does not have all the bells and whistles but thats OK with me. Whats not OK is DJI first class crap service

My V+ is amazing actually. I know their service sucks but have not had to really test it yet. I do know I can get a slow response faster from DJI than I can the even slower 3DR response (electronically anyway). I chalk this up to growing pains.

Personally the Phantom 3 is a better machine for me. At last I think so at this moment. The Forbes article cost DJI my business and probably others as well. Totally turned off by Wang job. So IMpatiently awaiting my black UAV :)

I have been flying missions that are 4-5 miles long for the last week with the V+. I have flown over 20 of them. I am still amazed every time I see the WIFI reconnect to Phantomxxx and it come home.
My V+ is amazing actually. I know their service sucks but have not had to really test it yet. I do know I can get a slow response faster from DJI than I can the even slower 3DR response (electronically anyway). I chalk this up to growing pains.

Personally the Phantom 3 is a better machine for me. At last I think so at this moment. The Forbes article cost DJI my business and probably others as well. Totally turned off by Wang job. So IMpatiently awaiting my black UAV :)

I have been flying missions that are 4-5 miles long for the last week with the V+. I have flown over 20 of them. I am still amazed every time I see the WIFI reconnect to Phantomxxx and it come home.

Didn't know you had a P3. Could you tell me this, is their a way to turn off the RTH feature? I heard you couldn't and that turned me off. I don't like the feature, I get it.......but if you loose signal lets say behind a tree and you don't have it set high enough it my try and return itself Thru the tree. I needs a rewind feature to follow the same path back
Didn't know you had a P3. Could you tell me this, is their a way to turn off the RTH feature? I heard you couldn't and that turned me off. I don't like the feature, I get it.......but if you loose signal lets say behind a tree and you don't have it set high enough it my try and return itself Thru the tree. I needs a rewind feature to follow the same path back

No, I do not have a p3. Just saying for what I want to do with a UAV the P3 would be better for me compared to the Solo. Lightbridge, distance, etc. That and when its all said and done the Solo has cost me about a grand more money with the Hero4 black and Peau lens.

I would be afraid to fly without RTH. I think you stay closer than I do though.
It's a common occurrence for frustration to lead to irrational comments and statements. I can understand your point of view. But betting future income, time commitments, contracts, etc on a radically new product that has never been seen before and expect it to "hit the mark" at precisely the moment you expected it is at best wishful thinking. The level of sophistication, the pressure on 3DR to get it right the 1st time, knowing that they are betting the future of their company and their employees to have a highly successful product, and if they don't they can forget future funding (and we can forget our $1500 or so), well, hiccups should be expected. All of us here wish we were watching the Fed-Ex truck pull up now. But, we all want that flawless performance that we all expect, including you. As frustrated as you are, imagine what you would be saying if a faulty product were released (like some companies have). Then you would have a REAL problem! Not to say that isn't a possibility anyway, but,,,. So, I wish you the very best in your business whatever course you decide to take. And my past post was not meant to be a "flip" comment, rather a simple statement of fact given what we are dealing with.
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Irrational comments and statements LOL. Betting on future income LOL

I fly for fun, I also do it as a hobby and make some money from it. Its by no way a full time job. Your comments are a little out of line, I have no idea what your background is. I guess I was expecting too much out of 3DR. When I buy and pay for something in full I expect it to be delivered when I was told it would. Not 2-3 months later. With all the short comings DJI had with their customer service they at least made up for it when the P2 with 3 axis gimbal was released......on time and with very little problems. Faulty product? Believe me I know way too much about that with my purchase of the Inspire. 3DR should have learned from the short comings from DJI. If they had an issue with the gimbal it should have raised its head MONTHS ago, not a month before the release. I should have done what I normally do, do not preorder and wait until everything is released to purchase it. Silly me for thinking they would deliver a working product on time:rolleyes:

I'm not mad at 3DR, just disappointed, I've got to many other things to worry about. The Solo will come out, everyone will be happy and I'll get mine in the fall......or maybe wait until next spring to get Solo v2 lol
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Of course depends on terrain. But I would hate to drift behind something lose control and GPS and have a slight breeze take it away. Might take you a while to get to it at 1500'.

I would like a user settable timer on RTH. Be nice to have a minute or two to get repositioned before it did a RTH.

I am sure collision avoidance RTH wont be that far away !
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I apologize, sorry, and please forgive my poor choice of words. In no way want to create barriers and word wars. Totally unproductive and poor manners too. Please accept my sincere apology. We are all on the same team now. Anticipating something no one has had any experience with and we need open and friendly posts. I read DJI forum, phantom pilots just like many of us. Hoping that we will have good experiences to report and helpful info when we get lost. I wish you the very best and hope that all will work out. As far as my background is concerned, aviation as a young man, later high technology computer stuff, hardware 1st, software later. All enterprise stuff back then. "Big Iron" as we used to call it. Stood on the firing line many of times for delays, faulty this and that, got shot several times to (figuratively). Big ticket stuff 10's into hundreds of $millions for long term contracts. Definitely not for the faint of heart ,,,or long term careers when things go Best of luck, hope you can hang in there a little longer.
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Didn't know you had a P3. Could you tell me this, is their a way to turn off the RTH feature? I heard you couldn't and that turned me off. I don't like the feature, I get it.......but if you loose signal lets say behind a tree and you don't have it set high enough it my try and return itself Thru the tree. I needs a rewind feature to follow the same path back
Rewind isn't very effective if it has to rewind through 15 minutes worth of flight and you've only got 10 minutes worth of battery, is it?

I think it's much better to just set a high RTH height. Mine is set to 250 ft. That's plenty enough to not hit any trees.
We are ALL on the bleeding edge of technology!!! You chose to be here so quit whining. It's a DELay for Chris' sake not the end of humanity. Take this in stride, be responsible for your actions, understand where and what you are doing,,,or go wait until September and see how it goes. Really,,,,you may just have invested in to best there is,,maybe not. But again,,you chose to be here, not 3DR. Jus' sayin'
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