Exposure bracketing

Sep 29, 2015
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Hey All,

My first post here, but been a long time reader!

Very new to drone flying but been having lots of fun and practice, with my 3DR bird. Firstly wold like to thank all the people who have posted awesome advice, tips and tricks on here! Amazing help and amazing community.

I was reading a 500px thread about drone photography, it talks about the P3 offering HDR bracketing on image capture. I was wondering if anyone knew if this was expected to be rolled out on the 3DR platform as a future update?

Since solo uses a gopro for now, braketing would have to be available through gopro. Not currently an option
@pyrate But with the 3DR controller offering control of the GoPro, and the ability to adjust EV Comp (In theory Shutter Speeds too), would this not be a 3DR programming solution to be able to bracket the shot? Without manual changes?

In theory the same way the smart shots work as a program. Then you tell the GoPro to Capture +1, 0 & -1 etc...?

Sorry if this is obvious... just started exploring.
I doubt it since shutter speed is not even an option on gopros application
and best I can tell, evcomp is nt yet delivered. it was on the graphic but I do not see it an any of my option screens
That just works in video for some reason. But I've found extracting stills from 4K video on GP better then the normal stills anyway.

So just park Solo in the sky and shoot 3 1 second videos with -2, 0 and +2 EV comp and merge to HDR in Lightroom for example.
We may start to have serious fun with this. I will not be able to process anything before at least a month but will be flying soon and will be on my todo list for sure.
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