
Jun 4, 2020
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Hello everyone,

About four years ago I purchased the 3DR in Dubai and for six months I had great fun with it.

Unfortunately, I then had a very serious period of ill-health and could not use it. That is the bad (but in the past news) news.

The good/great news is that I have now made a full recovery and have today dusted off the beast and tried to get it working.

Everything seemed ok - I still had my account and everything was still synced to my smart phone / controller and the drone.

Then is started saying "calibrating sensors" and his been like that for an hour.

I have read other comments on the internet but I genuinely do not know how to proceed. I am not a technical guy so a lot of the very well-informed advice goes straight over my head.

I would be exceptionally grateful if someone could help me with resolving this issue. Some of the comments on the internet said they sent it back for a replacement. That is not an option for me, given the time that has elapsed since I purchased it (and the fact I bought it in Dubai).

Thank for reading this (if you got this far) and I apologise if there is a simple solution that I have not understood,

Best wishes all - particularly in these current times. Health to you and you family,

I've experienced a few wtf's with Solo. Most cases have been resolved with simple efforts. I'm just throwing these out until the smarter guys respond, head start maybe...

Disconnect the controller's battery. The controller has been known to hang in loop for what ever reason.

Belly smack, sometimes this has resolved certain issues related to the IMU being stuck (sticktion) or a contact related issue. I'd imagine sitting up for an extended period of time could have an affect on the IMU or the PixHawk contacts. Not sure, but just making the suggestion as it won't hurt to try.

If or when you get this resolved, I'd recommend a level and/or compass calibration. Mainly a precaution for having sat idle for so long.
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Also keep in mind that after so long the GPS ephemerides will need to download. This will sometimes cause the bird to throw the 'calibrating sensors' message as the GPS reports not ready. Though an hour is a long time for GPS almanac/ephemeride update.
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