
  1. Vernon Deck

    Snowboarding with Solo

    I took along my Birdy ll (my solo) for closing day at the Laax resort in Switzerland. She's such a great tool and so much fun to film with that I have to remind myself film and shoot other angles too.
  2. Soul Patch Films

    Voodoo Mountain Cat Adventure

    First actual edited video with Solo. Beautiful sunny day, but with 20 to 30 mph winds. No smart shots used. Gopro 4 black, Peau 3.97 lens. Quick edit done in the lodge after a day of snowboarding.
  3. S

    Where and how to keep the controller in Follow Me mode - Snowboarding

    Hi folks so the winter season is almost there. I really want to shoot some great footage of myself snowboarding in a few weeks. Follow me sounds like a good idea, yet my question is what to do with the controller once everything is set up. From the Flight Academy footage from 3DR (), it is not...