
  1. Andrew Schmidt

    Additional battery and question on main board pins

    Hey guys new member here. I am trying to take the internals of a crashed Solo and 3d print my own Inspire 1 esq quad. That being said. Does anyone have infomation, or know where I can start looking on the following topics. 1.) What does the 8pin motor pod connector pinout actually do, and is it...
  2. Andrew Schmidt

    Building a DJI Inspire 2 with Solo Internals - Dev Help Requested! [INSPI-3DR]

    Forgive me if I'm in the wrong place, but I figured I would start here. I have purchased a crashed 3dr solo from ebay, in hopes of building a replica (with minor upgrades) of a DJI inspire 2. To do this, I know I will need to do the following. -replace stock esc's with larger (30a) simonK bec...