Recent content by Jmcstay1

  1. Jmcstay1

    Newbie Question\Concern

    Hello Jubalr, Central PA USA here, I started with toy grade cars then went to nitro cars and trucks then migrated to electric airplanes in the mid 90's. Just for the record I have to agree learn to fly manual it may just save your investment and/or prevent a more tragic accident. I do like the...
  2. Jmcstay1

    Newbie Question\Concern

    Been flying fixed wing planes and helicopters for over 20 years, started on quadcopters about 4 years ago, I finally bit the bullet and bought a solo a few weeks ago and I love it, first flight was in manual mode to get a feel for the bird, then went to the factory settings and used the auto...
  3. Jmcstay1

    New to this level of aircraft, 20+ years with fixed wing airplanes

    New to this level of aircraft, 20+ years with fixed wing airplanes