One solution for a specific password use case

Jun 7, 2015
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Have several Solo's. Some only set up/tested then put away for several years now. Opened them up for eventual sale recently and realized I had changed and forgotten the passwords. I am an IOS/PC user and given it has been several years and the app is no longer available, that presented a problem. We all know the process of resetting and starting over, along with the associated update necessities. Easier and faster if you can get the Wifi passwords. Not so hard on Android. Tougher on IOS without MAC. I did however find a relatively simple solution that worked in my specific case.

I noticed that my phone auto-connected to the Solo network, even though I couldn't see the password. It works, but I need to be able to give the password to someone else. I downloaded 4uKey Password Manager and scanned my phone. Even though I had upgraded phones a couple of times, I had used backups from the previous phones to do it each time. After installing 4uKey on my PC, I connected the phone and scanned it. I started off with the free version to see if it would work. It did, and it showed me the SSID addresses and first two characters of the passwords. I use complex passwords so that wasn't enough, but it gave me confidence it would work. I paid the $25 and all the saved Wifi SSIDs and passwords were then visible. In my case that is several Solo's so it saved me considerable time and was worth the $.

Thought it might help someone in a jam.

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