Help!? No follow or selfie mode??

Oct 10, 2015
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hi I'm quite confused as I can't seem to find the selfie mode or follow mode on the app for solo??
It only gives me the options for fly orbit or cable.
Am I missing something?
Do I need the gimbal or something?
I'm quite confused.
Thanks guys
Does your tablet device have GPS? If not I'm guessing those shots might not be available. I've only tried with an iPhone 6 which obviously has GPS.
I'm working with an iPad 3 mini that does not have GPS and I have all of those shots, I just can't use follow me. Orbit uses the GPS on the aircraft.
Yeh I usually use my iPhone 6 with location services on :/ I don't understand I can't find those shots anywhere? I live in Australia, I hope it hasn't been altered in any way for us here :( anyone know anything?
Yeh I usually use my iPhone 6 with location services on :/ I don't understand I can't find those shots anywhere? I live in Australia, I hope it hasn't been altered in any way for us here :( anyone know anything?
Possible, but unlikely. Try Uninstalling. Shutting down. Restarting. Reinstalling. If that doesn;t work, try another device (borrowed if needed)
You are clicking on the shots icon on the app on your phone or tablet (brings up the 4 shot icons) and not looking at the display on the controller?
IMG_1513.jpg IMG_1514.jpg
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