First Flip Over

Jan 20, 2017
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Had a very short flight in severe windy conditions yesterday. ( 30 mph wind with gusts ). Flight was only a couple of minutes.. Flight taken just to see how the Solo handled it.....Handled the wind very well....

Then this morning. Calm air......

Solo powered up fine....pushed button for takeoff.....Solo takes off to about 10 feet to hover and I noticed it was wobbly quite a bit but holding at 10 feet....So I try to land manually.....Solo's feet touched the level ground & it flips over immediately on grass soccer broken props...... I could hear motors still running from the time of flipover to time of emergency shutdown..........emergency shutdown executed within seconds of flipover ( A+B and Pause Button ) Not sure why this happened.........

Examined props ( just wet grass on them - wiped & dried off ). Shut off Solo battery, and controller. Rebooted . Got Calibration Sensor Error..... so I performed a Level Calibration.....

Started a new flight & Solo flew fine.....

Interesting as why the flip-over even occurred......Were sensors thrown off from the day before in high winds when Solo is trying to maintain position & altitude.

Is a level & compass calibration necessary or good idea before each day's flight....??

I would not think that it is necessary ? Maybe just a level calibration may not be a bad idea.

Any thoughts ??
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I've had a flipover in windy conditions too. Then , there's the KP Index being in the 'moderate' range this morning which affects GPS reception. Being moderate should make a huge difference, but a sudden loss of reception which can happen in moderate could cause some wobbliness.

I don't really think doing a level cal/compass cal for every flight is warranted.
It wasn't windy this morning at all.....when flip-over occurred........

It was windy yesterday.....

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