Recent content by Aerial_Dynamics

  1. Aerial_Dynamics

    Solo in the SNOW!

    Looks Great. Love the landscape. Keep the good work.
  2. Aerial_Dynamics

    What is the recommended max wind speed to fly in?

    I have flown in about 18mph sustained wind with 22mph gusts. Solo handled it fairly well, but the gusts do however push solo around some. It al boils down to your skill level and flight confidence. Taking off and flying solo in higher winds is not bad even for a newer pilot, but landing is a...
  3. Aerial_Dynamics

    Has anyone of you flying the Solo indoor?

    I have flown inside a large warehouse. As of now you must fly in complete manual mode. There is no optical flow sensor for solo yet that helps with indoor flight stability, but I am sure there will be one in the near future from 3dr or a third party vendor. Be sure to practice manual mode flight...