How is video handled on Solo?

Jan 1, 2017
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I'm just starting to dig in a little.
Winter project plans are to do the 5V modification on the Solo original 2.0 Cube and run Arducopter on it instead of OpenSolo (possibly).

I'm a bit clueless on some things.

Does everything run on the cube? or is that ONLY the flight controller?
Is there another Processor? where does the Host Linux like OS actually run?
How is video handled and streamed?
How would you do video without opensolo?

Without knowing anything I'm guessing:

You have the flight controller (Pixhawk2)
And then some kind of Separate processor board that does:
1- Linux OS.
2- Video HDMI capture from GoPro
3- Wifi and Wifi translation to serial control/telemetry for the Pixhawk.

I'm pretty sure the cube does not do the Linux style OS or the HDMI video or Wifi.

And then there/s gimbal control and I have no idea where that happens at.


Just build (my first) an old 8bit Arduino based Arducopter and it actually works quite well!
So I as of late have a first time view and an experience into old Arducopter.

Curious curious CURIOUS!!

Not sure what you're trying to do here. The latest version of ArduCopter doesn't require the 5 volt mod. Open Solo 4 includes the latest version of ArduCopter. And the latest version of ArduCoper requires the various modifications included in Open Solo in order to function properly. You can't do one without the other and expect it to work. In any case, you definitely don't need the 5 volt mod.
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A generic question relative to the 5v mod, Green cube and Pixhawk 2. Besides the 5v connection on the Green cube are there any significant differences from the PH2?

From following Facebook thread it looks like it's time to upgrade to OpenSolo 4.0

(I have multiple Solos. One GC with OS3, one PH2 with OS3 and one PH2 still on 3DR (I'll get to it.) I installed the GC before OpenSolo 3.0 was final. I'm good with soldering and considered modifying a PH2, but pulled back as I do not have the tools for surface mount.)
ArduCopter 4 will work the same on the stock cube, green cube, black cube, etc. No need to modify anything.
I found this a very helpful launching point:

Good reasons to upgrade to a green cube today:
  1. Operating regularly in very cold environments since it has a heater
  2. Operating off a boat, the heater makes it more reliable (but can be done with a stock cube now)
  3. Operating in acrobatic or racing events, where you get snappier performance
Beyond that, it is not going to get you much else in a Solo for most users. Open Solo 4 and ArduCopter 4 no longer require it.
>>> Not sure what you're trying to do here.

Just trying to learn a bit.
Did I ask too many questions?
It seems to have stopped on the 5V mod and nothing else was mentioned after that.
I'm looking for information on how the video works and is handled and I had some high level questions up there about where the host os (Linux) runs and where is gimbal control done.

I have read in a number of places that the solo original 2.0 cube is crippled and using 3.3V logic and has voltage swing limitations to the ESCs.
Solo specific firmware works around this at the cost of some performance.
The mods (or moving to a 2.1 cube+jumper mod or a green cube) work at the full 5V signal swing/level.
I'm also reading that people who have switch to 5V logic one way or another really notice a difference in ESC/Motor performance.

With that- it sounded like a fun winter project to convert to 5V esc interface by modding my original 2.0 cube to work at 5V logic.
There is a documented modification for this.
True it is not necessary but my understanding is that it gives a noticable improvement in performance.
But also requires no longer running solo specific firmware that has the "software fix" built into it.

I thought these items might be a fun thing to ask and talk about.


No not too many questions. I can answer all this later on or tomorrow. Just got home from back surgery and can't type fast enough right now
No hurry at all it's something I am considering doing over the next three or four months (winter fun project).
But am interested in better understanding how the solo is put together, what runs where.

I also would enjoy moving the RC style stick controls over to something on SBUS or Spektrum/serial or the like.
And using mission planner on a PC or Qgroundcontrol on a tablet or both.
I currently have no clue how the video is handled or how it could (or could not) be used without Solo or Solex app.
And completely without the Solo stock Wifi integrated Access Point and controller.
Off topic slightly:
I'm having a lot of fun with it.

I currently have an AREDN wireless node installed on my Solo with a directional antenna. See AREDN Advantage | Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network
For more info if you are curious.
Camera and gimbal removed
I used QGroundcontrol on my phone which does have a magnetic heading indicator to know exactly where I had the Solo mounted directional antenna aimed.

Established a "Ham radio wifi" connection back to my home about 15 miles away from where I did the test flight!
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