DJI Phantom 4?

Sep 29, 2015
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I recently watched the introduction and demo video to the phantom 4 and as I was watching it I was almost laughing because it says it can track an object which 3DR has already been able to do for a while. However I am not for bashing other companies I as a filmmaker always think whatever tool works works but I did like the fact that it can avoid obstacles with two front sensors with a FOV almost like your eyes have.
I would hate to own one knowing a phantom 5 will be out next April though
I recently watched the introduction and demo video to the phantom 4 and as I was watching it I was almost laughing because it says it can track an object which 3DR has already been able to do for a while. However I am not for bashing other companies I as a filmmaker always think whatever tool works works but I did like the fact that it can avoid obstacles with two front sensors with a FOV almost like your eyes have.

You are confusing radio tracking versus optical tracking. The P4 optical tracking is impressive in the demo video.

I would hate to own one knowing a phantom 5 will be out next April though

Yes, we know. I have an iphone 5s and am not bothered by Apple releasing a new phone every year. Tone it down with the butt hurt guys. All over the forums and facebook solo owner pages, everyone is bashing away at how its gonna be replaced again and this and that. The development and release of the P4 is great for all consumers of any quad. So was the P3. The way in which this kind of tribal feuding always develops between brand consumers is annoying. BMW drivers hating on Audi drivers. Android hating on Apple. DJI hating on 3DR. Gluten hipsters hating on sandwiches. Its getting old. And it won't be any less old when the P5 comes out.
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Who says I am butt hurt as I stated above I could care less about the tool to an extent. Look I am a filmmaker as long as I get the perfect shot and tell a good story that's All I care about. Yes you do need an iPhone to follow and they use the optical flow but the fact that they are now getting smart shots when even the iris plus could do that. I have never flown dji so maybe it can do smart shots but I am not bashing them 3dr and ski are both the great ones out there for filmmakers
Drone OEM pushing new technology on 6 - 12 months basis is a good thing for us consumers, we get better toys. Sure we get to become beta testers, but that is a risk we can take or avoid. OEM need $$ to keep making newer models, some of us need newer-greatest toys upgrade all the time, so its a matter of demand and supply.

The only sad part of the whole technology progress is :
The smarter the drone is designed to do, the "less-capable" the operator is expected to be. This is the sad part.
When understanding the basic of how to fly a drone/craft is replaced by credit card, it takes away the really needed learning curve and most important basic logic & discipline.

As with any hobby, it means one is to waste money in return of pleasure, its a fair deal.
What we do not want is people getting hurt by drone dangerous propellers or any major accident occuring due to morons operating drones/craft where they shouldn't be.
Custom drones is different my brother is trying to 3D Print one however I am talking about professional ones like 3DR and DJI who make them geared towards filmmakers. The thing is is companies are also doing it so you don't need a new model a different model is fine if they add enough to it to make it a different model. Black magic and 3DR however also have it right by making it upgradable too so in that sense yes I agree but in regards to your radio vs optical sensor follow feature yes that does sound pretty cool not having to have the phone with you but freelook also gives you an opportunity because although it does "need to follow the phone" you can also fly it wherever you please not just on one subject in a way your still paying the same price if not more for the solo as you would with a 1400 dollar P4 drone so your telling me you would spend 1400 dollars on a new drone when you already spent 1200 on the P3 professional. If so fine but the upgradable does not hurt the market either is all i am saying and remember this 3DR is only going to get better with time.
I looked at a video of the p4 on the YouTube page "tested" and the follow me function didn't seem to work too well

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