3DR Solo 2.0 Coming Soon New Carbon Fiber Body & New Motors

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[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] why would I contribute to something I don't use or care about in the slightest open solo has never done anything magical for anyone... Lookout people Matt the savior is here to rescue the solo Community with open solo! it makes it easier to install third-party application and if the 3DR app and 2.4.2 ever get pulled we won't be screwed that's your reasoning for open solo. I've already figured that one out too so as far as I'm concerned open solo does nothing for me all these people installed it but when you ask them what the benefits are they can't give you any answers because they realized they just did it to do it maybe 6% of solo owners will actually benefit from the open solo in the fashion that you intended most people are just upgrading because they think they have to or it's going to offer them some new mind-blowing experience lol. Having flown open solo and stock setup with solex the difference to me is marginal on such a small scale so no I could really care less about open solo but it may have a place in my future build

I have the screenshot of you calling me a sociopath in 2017 In This Very site lol. It's okay Matt we don't always remember the things we say or write about people but the funny thing is you responded exactly like I expected you too. It's almost sad how predictable you are [emoji20] but on the flip side of that coin you just showed everyone your douche tendencies and I was really rooting for you. Now just because I don't give a s*** I'm not even going to read your entire comment cuz I can see it matt being Matt and there's no arguing with Matt there's no winning there's no scenario where I'm correct in your not so why waste my time? Like my grandma used to say save it for the souls of purgatory and on that note I bid you adieu chode master you can't say I didn't try to get along [emoji23][emoji106]
Just a point of fact....

Open Solo has done loads for me;

Improved landing detection
Easy CH7 access
Broken the need for uncertain furure link to 3DR servers...

are just a couple of things...

Happy for you to speak for yourself, but please don't do it for me....

By the way, signing up for a group with a post entitled '...has entered the ring' doesn't really set the tone for contributing to the helpful supportive community...or have I misunderstood?
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Just a point of fact....

Open Solo has done loads for me;

Improved landing detection
Easy CH7 access
Broken the need for uncertain furure link to 3DR servers...

are just a couple of things...

Happy for you to speak, for yourself but, please don't do it for me....

By the way, signing up for a group with a post entitled '...has entered the ring' doesn't really set the tone for contributing to the helpful supportive community...or have I misunderstood?
As I said very basic stuff comes from open solo so far from what I've seen. I have never had an issue on stock never in my entire time that I've used my solo have I ever had an issue with stock. it seems like most of the time user are creating their own issues like allowing the solo to automatically Land by itself instead of just taking over and Landing manually because it's such a hard thing to do.... once again it takes like two seconds to pull the lid off to gain access to all of the pins or just order the brownie board connector for extension Port access and use Tower app to adjust parameters as needed so no I'm not real entranced by open solo and once again the topic of the 3DR server comes up.... is this really all this has to offer?

As I stated before I don't care what you guys think lol I'm not here to be your buddy I'm not here to be your friend we're not in high school anymore I'm not trying to join your lunch room Clan...I'm here to ask questions about what people want on a body shell. I came in the introduction section because I knew no matter what I could try to be friendly or I can try to ignore people but either way somebody was going to have a problem with me so I chose to say drone worship has entered the ring to get it out of the way right off the bat lol. Matt and me are about the same we are both blunt and in your face we may have two sides to this coin on how we feel but I think in real life we are more alike than he would care to admit ?

Now do you have two cents to put in on the body shell design or are you just here to read through the comments and nag every little detail and scrutinize everything here because honestly I have way better s*** I could be doing with my time than respond to this comment #Facts
Thread closed. You guys need to stop the banter and stay on topic. If you have an issue with anyone else, click the ignore button and they are gone.
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