3.3V ESC PWM vs 5V PWM How much am I really missing out on?

Jan 1, 2017
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I'm curious on that.
It keeps nagging at me.
I own only a single stock solo, came with two stock batteries and a gimbal.
I have OpenSolo on it and am currently just playing around having fun flying it manually (No GPS) without the gimbal or camera on it and Master Airscrew 3 bladed props.

I keep getting tempted to try and do the 5V modification to the stock cube. But also figure there's a chance I could destroy it and don't want to do that either.
At the same time I don't really want to dump money into it upgrading the cube or the GPS quite yet.
If I had a number of them that'd be another story.
I've not tried acro mode on it yet but certainly am going to soon!
I'm an experienced flyer and very comfortable flying any other multirotor in acro mode.
Just sure what to expect from the Solo response-wise.

Curious how much performance am I really missing out on running it at stock 3.3V vs a 5V modification?

Also how much risk is there of losing a motor at stock 3.3V with all of the stock Solo work-arounds/fixes applied as they are now
when flying in high wind or hard fast maneuvers?

If you have experience here I'd love to hear about it!

I noticed that the bird was losing power while at full throttle, more of a pulsing/surging action. I talked about it with Roland back in the day and a reason I swapped motors. Wasn't the motors...

I never did the 5v conversion, so no confirmation from me that it would work or not for what I experienced. If I was wanting to fly full throttle in rabbit mode all the time, I'd do the conversion or buy the updated Cube. Either way, I'm satisfied in how Solo flies as is...
I am so far too.
Was just wondering how much differentt it would fly with the cripple removed.
If you're not routinely doing high speed acrobatic flight, then you're not going to gain anything meaningful to you IMO.
I noticed that the bird was losing power while at full throttle, more of a pulsing/surging action. I talked about it with Roland back in the day and a reason I swapped motors. Wasn't the motors...

I never did the 5v conversion, so no confirmation from me that it would work or not for what I experienced. If I was wanting to fly full throttle in rabbit mode all the time, I'd do the conversion or buy the updated Cube. Either way, I'm satisfied in how Solo flies as is...
You're probably hitting the 40 amp current limiting parameter. It will slowly back down when it hits that max. It's MOT_ parameter you can change.
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You're probably hitting the 40 amp current limiting parameter. It will slowly back down when it hits that max. It's MOT_ parameter you can change.
You are probably correct. When more was known (early 2016) about 3DR's work around or limiters I just downshifted the performance setting. Never was a noticeable problem there after. But will admit, Solo is fairly spectacular running at full speed...exciting like a sports car!
If you do anything at all do the GPS upgrade. It's the first thing I did to my 3 Solo copters.
Yes I already painfully realize how bad the stock GPS is..
Blows my mind they used this one from the gitgo-
I usually fly in big open areas and manually bring it back in and land it manually without GPS.
Mostly just to make sure I'm comfortable and used to flying it without GPS and bringing it in from quite a distance away
should the GPS ever fail.

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